Join us for worship!We encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to our regular worship service on Sundays at 10 am.
Worship Schedule, Classes & Opportunities
You are Welcome to Join Us! Be sure to check the monthly & weekly calendars for any schedule changes.
10:00 am, Worship Service
2:00 pm, New Beginnings Community Christian Church (Spanish-speaking)
Coffee & Fellowship
Join us at 9:15 am on Sundays for some coffee and fellowship prior to worship service.
Attendance Pad
Please continue to sign in on the attendance pad. This helps us with my Missional Vital Signs reports required to be completed by the district each month. Also, the membership secretary needs information for her records. It also lets us know if we had a visitor (please add your address, phone, or email).
Women's Bible Study from United Women in Faith
9-week Study starting February 26-April 23rd promptly at 9:45 am - 11:00 am Facilitated by Joan Rush in the Conference room - Bring a Bible (if you don't have a Bible, one will be provided) and spiral/journal.
We're continually planning meaningful gatherings and activities for our community. Please remember to check back regularly to stay informed about these events and join in the wonderful experiences we have in store for you.
HUMC Community Potluck Dinner
Join us on Friday, March 21st at 5:00 PM
Come together with your neighbors and friends for a warm and welcoming Community Potluck Dinner at Hernando United Methodist Church! Bring your favorite dish to share, whether it’s a family recipe or something new you’d like to try. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy delicious food, meet new people, and spend time in fellowship.
Don’t have a dish to bring? No worries-everyone is welcome to join! There will be plenty of food to go around, and we’re excited to share this meal with you.
We look forward to seeing you there for a night of great food and even better company!

SPIRITUAL GROWTH, OUTREACH, AND FELLOWSHIP (events are listed alphabetically)
Bible Study
We meet on Thursdays at 6:00 pm with Pastor Shawn. Join us! We will resume in October. Newcomers are always welcome. In-person & livestream on is available.
Choir Rehearsal
If you enjoy singing around the house please put your voice to good use by joining the choir! Our rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 11:00 am.
Coffee & Fellowship
Join us at 9:15 am on Sundays for coffee & fellowship time before worship service.
Citrus Friendship Sit & Sews
This group meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Citrus Friendship Quilters
We meet the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:30 pm
Join us on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9:00 am.
N.B.C.C. Spanish Adult Bible Study
We meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Wednesday Men's Breakfast
Join us for coffee or breakfast at 8:30 a.m. at Papa's J Diner, 2056 Highway 44 W, Inverness. All men are welcome to come for some fellowship.
UMM Food Drive
Please continue to bring in your canned goods and non-perishable food items on the 3rd Sunday of each month or drop them off at the church office.
United Methodist Men meet at 8:30 am on the 1st Saturday of each month.
United Women in Faith meets at 9:45 am on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
NEW MEMBER CLASSESEmbark on your journey with us by joining our New Member Classes offered year-round.
Led by the warm and knowledgeable Pastor Shawn Klein, these classes promise a relaxed, inviting, and fulfilling experience. Delve into our rich history, values, and beliefs, and discover exciting opportunities for personal growth, service, and connection within our community. Your questions are not only welcomed but encouraged during these engaging sessions.
Each class meeting is a brief yet insightful 30 minutes. If you have inquiries about Church Membership, feel free to reach out to Pastor Shawn via email at or by calling the Church office at 352-726-7245. We're here to guide you on this meaningful journey of connection and belonging.
All are welcome.
This sentiment of welcome is one of the most important things we, as Christians, can offer our community.
Rest comes in many forms and our Outreach Team is being designed to seek out those who are weary and burdened so that they might know the love of Jesus Christ through Hernando UMC.
We will share this love in tangible ways by trying to meet our community's spiritual, physical, and emotional needs by welcoming them into the loving body of Christ that is our church.
Please join us if you'd like to be part of this powerful outreach ministry.
Contact Kathryn Calverley, at 352-209-7051 with any questions.
I hope to see you there!
Kathryn Calverley
Director of the Outreach Team

CITRUS COUNTY BLESSINGS, SILENCING WEEKEND HUNGERwww.citruscountyblessings.orgCitrus County Blessings, Silencing Weekend Hunger is a remarkable grassroots initiative dedicated to combatting food insecurity among children in Citrus County, Florida. Understanding that many children who rely on school meal programs face hunger over the weekends, this organization has taken it upon itself to bridge the gap. Through a network of dedicated volunteers, they gather and distribute nutritious food packs discreetly to those in need, ensuring that no child goes hungry during the weekends. Citrus County Blessings' compassionate approach not only provides essential sustenance but also preserves the dignity and self-esteem of the children they serve. By silencing the pangs of hunger, this organization is making a profound impact on the lives of young ones, fostering a stronger, healthier community for the future.
Hernando United Methodist Church (UMC) plays a crucial role in supporting the impactful efforts of Citrus County Blessings, an organization dedicated to combatting weekend hunger among children in our community. Every first Thursday of the month, dedicated volunteers from Hernando UMC come together to sort and distribute essential food items in carefully packed grocery bags, ensuring that schoolchildren have access to nourishment over the weekends. If you are passionate about making a difference and want to contribute to this noble cause, we welcome you to join our compassionate team of volunteers. To get involved, please reach out to Frank Williams or the church office, and together, let's create a brighter future for the children in need within our community.
An invitation is extended to all men to join for coffee or breakfast at Papa's J Dinner in Inverness at 8:30 am. All men are welcome to come for fellowship and conversation.
The event will provide an opportunity for fellowship, and all men are welcome to attend. Papa's J Dinner is a highly-rated breakfast place with friendly staff and tasty food.
Together we will have a time of fellowship and conversation. We will talk about current events, share our faith, and just enjoy each other's company.
This is a great opportunity to connect with other men in the community and build relationships. We hope you will join us!
Interested individuals can call (352) 341-5169 to RSVP.
CHAIR POSITION OPENThank you. HUMC is looking to fill the position of Chair of the Nurture Committee. For information please
contact the church office.
March Birthdays
3/3 Nicole Hensley
3/8 Josh Converse
3/9 Larry Croft
3/9 Leigh Shanks
3/9 Janice Clark
3/14 Syble Pennings
3/15 Marian McCarthy
3/15 Liam Wolfe
3/22 Pat Croft
3/27 Martha Carter
3/28 Bruce Christopher
3/30 Steve Moxley
3/31 Helen Sells
March Anniversaries
3/12 Paul & Cathy Hazzard
3/19 Steve & Maria Converse
3/28 Bruce & Kathy Christopher
Happy Birthday to all the wonderful individuals in our congregation who are celebrating their birthdays this month! May your special day be filled with joy, love, and countless blessings. Wishing you a year ahead filled with happiness, good health, and memorable moments. Cheers to another year of life and growth together in our faith community! 🎉🎂